Grüeassli zamä & servus hallo zusammen,hei leutz,
Heyy lüüüt ihr gutherzigen Leute...
Herzlich willkommen
Dieses ist die persönliche Webseite des Los Angeles Kalifornischer Gitarristen DALE HAUSKINS.
Ich freue mich und schätze es sehr, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast meine Webseite zu besuchen...
Ich gehe mit viel Humor durchs Leben und habe einen Traum: "Ech möcht gärn äs nätts Meitschi kenne lehre ond hürote, das ech för mys ganze Läbe cha gärn ha ond liebe".
Ich habe eine lange Zeit in der Schweiz gelebt, in Weggis, Kriens und Lozärn und hatte mich IMMER in der Schweiz sehr wohl gefühlt. In Luzern spielte ich in einer erfolgreichen und bekannten Lozärn Progressive Rock Band: "Flame Dream" und hatte 6 Albums geschrieben.
En Schmatz und es ganz liebs Grüessli us California liebe everyone
vo de Dale!
Höi,sälü,säli,grüße zämee,
Los Angeles Kalifornischer Gitarristen reggae pop hiphop folk jazz/rock fusion lead-rhythm guitarist ready,available,verfügbar for professional work.
Recording,tracking projects;tours gigs or to join or work with band or artist in entire San Diego areas,Los Angeles,entire California,U.S.A.,Canada,im Deutschland,ganz Schweiz und auch Österrreich,Europe,U.S.A.;Canada and worldwide im 2019.
I'm grateful for the privilege to work among a collaborative of many of today's most influential artists.
Blessed working touring & recording with the founders creators of reggae and rocksteady music.
Including working with legendary west coast hip-hop artists;and lucky to be part of Lozärn,Switzerland progressive rock history.
Dale Hauskins
001-858 401-2973
001-310 293 0432
Learn songs quickly
Pro gear acoustic and electrics
Dependable + Punctual
International + Domestic Touring
valid US passport
☆☆★ Works,Tours & Discographies ☆★☆
Tours,Discographies & Works
The Alliez ( "The Alliez" cd 2008 Maui,Hawaii )
"All Things Swiss" by The Embassy of Switzerland.Music+guitars by Dale Hauskins. on THINK SWISS Swiss Pic Contest
Andre Afram Asmar (Harmonic Emergency CD 2011 Mush Records)
Pato Banton (tours)
Bargain Music ("The Magic Is Over" CD/2003 )
John Wolf Brennan (Irish-Swiss pianist,organist,melodica player,and composer )
Einstein Brown (renowned Trinidadian steel drummer/Singer )
Errol Dunkley
Calypso Rose(tours)
Martin Campbell (British reggae singer/artist tours 2001-2013)
Phil Chen (renowned bassist for Jeff Beck,Rod Stewart,Door,etc.)
Carlton "Santa" Davis (renowned drummer with Ziggy Marley,Soul Syndicate )
the late great Mikey Dread (tours)
Majek Fashek (African reggae superstar "Little Patience" 2005 cd )
Flame Dream ( legendary progressive rock band from Luzern Switzerland.5 LPs Vertigo,Phonogram records.Produced by John Acock(Steve Hackett ) )
Fully Fullwood (renowned Jamaican bassist with Peter Tosh,Bob Marley,Soul Syndicate )
Wadi Gad ( renowned drummer for Boom Shaka,Don Carlos)
Drew Hester (renowned drummer for Birds of Satan,Foo Fighters,Common Sense,Chicago)
Joe Higgs (The father of reggae music. )
Humble Soul (Hawaiian reggae artist, "Jah Love Supreme" 2006 cd mix by scientist )
Jon St. James(songwriter,composer,producer,engineer for Stacey Q,Starforce 1 LP 1981)
Jah Mex (Jah Mex & the Translators Dana Point,Orange County reggae artist "Firm Soundation" CD 2009 produced/bass by fully fullwood "Mind Food" CD Family Vbz 2007. )
Jesus Wore Dickies ( "Friends of Jesus " CD 2007 Skunk records )
Smoothie Jones and Red X
Remi Kabaka (Nigerian drummer/percussionist for Rolling Stones,Ginger Baker,Steve Winwood,Hugh Masekela)
Keys of Creation (Hawaii tour 2009 with Collie Budz)
Kontiki (2004 reggae album of the year Hawaiian music award winner "Stand Tall" cd 2006 )
Kyng Arthur ( "Mr.Master" CD 2004, "Prisoner of the Flesh" CD produced/bass by fully fullwood 2004 Reggae Album of the year at the OC Music Awards.
Legalizer (Ventura's #1 reggae band)
Nick Magnus (keyboardist,producer for Genesis's guitarist Steve Hackett )
Marty Dread (Maui,Hawaii's "Reggae Ambassador" CD 2014)
NAMM Show 1979-2019
Myka Nyne (freestyle fellowship,project blowed,haiku d'etat,westcoast LA rapper pioneer "citrus sessions" cd 2008)
johnny osbourne
OBRE 4 (Ghana reggae artist "CONSCIOUSness" CD 2007 Mixed by Fully Fullwood)
Triston Palmer (tours)
Beth Preston "Inside Fire" CD 2009 ,"White Butterfly,Black Crow" (featuring Australian singer,multi-instrumentalist Xavier Rudd.)CD 2014
Princess Cruises
Rankin' Joe (tours)
Sammy Dread (tours)
Sapadilla ("Hop on the Good Foot" cd 1992 )
Sawdust Festival Laguna Beach,Ca.
Scientist "DUB 911" 2004 mix by Scientist (Dub engineer pioneer )
Scotty Coats
Skunk Records
Sojie "Rise Up,Native People " CD 2014 (Produced/Mix/Bass by Fully Fullwood)
The Specs ( Los Angeles renowned ska band "California Ska Quake" CD 1992 "Changes to the Few" CD 1995
Star Party Cruises Reggae Boat Parties Long Beach,Ca.
Tippa Irie (British Grammy nominated legendary MC reggae singer sing-jay dance-hall rapper.Tours 2001-2018)
Dave Wakeling (English Beat)
Charlie Weibel (luzern schlagzeuglehrer,nico brina,panics,blues fingers,marie louise,werth,furbaz)
Martin Zobel and Soulrise (International German reggae artist,songwriter)
Many humble performances recordings with international African,Hawaiian,Caribbean,European;Swiss & American artists,band leaders and musicians.
Tschüüüüüüssss,ciao,ciao Liebi Grüess
und en guete Rutsch ins neue Johr im 2016.